Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

example of hortatory exposition

How to make our body healthy (hortatory exposition) by : derry melianie putri

oleh Derry MeLiaa pada 30 Mei 2011 jam 19:44
our life is strong and stressly. lifestyle is more and more modern, everyday we always do many activities in the house or out of the house. when we do activities outside, we enter to outside life and there are many pollution.Such as water pollution, air pollution, voice pollution, and the other pollution. And the one of the pollution is air pollution which derivative from smoked vehicle,from car, public transportation, motorcycle, etc.( issue )
we must keep our healthy with usually to sport or eat healthy food and eat many vitamins everyday to stay healthy. First, we can do mild exercise in the morning. Or, if you a busy man, you can do this only once a week. With sport, we can get healthy and get beautiful shape of our body, esspecially for woman. Second, content of food that we eat everyday is very important. We can eat many kinds of healthy food which contains carbohidrat,protein, minerals, and vitamins. Such as rice, bread, egg, meat, vegetables, and fruits. Third, always keep our imuns system with eat vitamin to stay healthy and fresh everyday. And dont forget to drink mineral water eight glasses everyday to keep our healthy and beauty. Because, consume water can therapy of disease, because water that we consume with enough amounts and the right method can purify of poisons in our body.( argument )
so, let's accustom to life with healthy living style. Because prevent is better than medicate. Always stay heathy and fresh everyday with healthy lifestyle.Healthy inside, Fresh outside !!=))( reccomendation )

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